
To reduce the curse of blindness in the society, we live in.


The organization’s mission is to make people (irrespective of caste, creed, Social, education and economic condition) aware of eye care and provide specialized treatment for eye patients to enjoy clear vision. Given points, the mission is:  

  • Prevention of blindness through creating mass awareness and early prevention
  • Building facilities for appropriate treatment
  • Rehabilitation of blind and visually handicapped people who can neither be helped by medicine nor surgery.

Level/ Type of Hospital:

Secondary level

Diagnostic, cataract surgical services, other minor surgical procedures, Pediatric, Glaucoma, Medical Retina, and low vision sub-specialty services are available.


  • Strengthening advocacy
  • Infrastructure and technology development
  • Human resource development
  • Reducing the disease burden
  • Improving coordination and partnership
  • Programmatic issues.
  • Socio-culture, logistic and financial issues for beneficiaries
  • Sustainability
  • Social inclusion
  • Comprehensive eye service
  • Targeting the poorest of the poor.
  • Monitoring & evaluation.